Invited Speakers

Margaret Mayston

(United Kingdom)

Bobath Clinical Reasoning Framework (BCRF): Same or different?

Guy Molenaers


Our experience in the treatment of the upper limb in children with cerebral palsy

Jos De Cat


Clinical reasoning as basis for the Bobath concept

Christine Barber

(United Kingdom)

Instructional course: Adult Cerebral Palsy

Chris Van den Broeck


Motor assessment during the first year of life

Rajkumar Rajan

(United Kingdom)

Instructional course: Adult Cerebral Palsy

Marleen D’hondt


Instructional course: Problems of swallowing

Ann Govaere


Instructional course: Intensive Therapy of The Lower Limbs and The Trunk in Children  with Bilateral Cerebral Palsy: How To Set Up A Qualitative Functional Training CIRCUS CAMP

Christine Vandeperre


Instructional course: Intensive Therapy of The Lower Limbs and The Trunk in Children  with Bilateral Cerebral Palsy: How To Set Up A Qualitative Functional Training CIRCUS CAMP

Christa Scholtz

(South Africa)

Instructional course: Optimizing early visual processing plasticity

Sarah Foley


Instructional course: Clinical reasoning in cerebral palsy –training innovations supporting clinical practice

Leonor Antonietti


Instructional course: Working out Smart Goals according to Bobath clinical reasoning with parents. “Tandem work”. Practical support from Videos.

Muharrem Yazıcı


What a rehabilitation team member needs to know about the CP spine? Spine problems and CP

Mintaze Kerem Günel


Participation meaning to Bobath therapists: Bridge to practice

Ekin Akalan


Clinical reflections on objective functional parameters children with spastic cerebral palsy: 3D gait analysis

Cemil Özal


Postural control: Knowledge transfer to clinical practice

Yasemin Çırak Buran


Respiration for children with cerebral palsy

Numan Demir


Instructional course: Holistic assessment and approach in children with cerebral palsy swallowing disorders

Tutku Soyer


Instructional course: Holistic assessment and approach in children with cerebral palsy swallowing disorders

Ceren Günbey


Cerebral Palsy: Genetic and New Horizons diagnosis and treatment